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BioteneBiotene is the number one dentist and hygienist recommended dry mouth brand.

The Biotene product line effectively relieves dry mouth and provides enzymes that supplement saliva's natural defenses and offers a complete system of products designed specifically for the dry mouth sufferer.

Dry mouth or xerostomia is a persistent feeling that there is not enough saliva in your mouth and has a variety of causes, making talking and eating difficult or embarrassing. Xerostomia is a significant health issue associated with chronic medical conditions that include diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome and Parkinson's disease.  Additionally, chemothrapy and radiation treatments together with more than 400 known medications have side-effects that can cause Dry-Mouth.  The products are also used by mouth breathers.

Saliva lubricates and protects your mouth from infection by bacteria, from chemicals in the atmosphere and from hot food and drinks. Saliva coats your teeth and protects them. Reduced saliva flow can damage mouth tissue, cause dental decay and contribute to bad breath.

At ToothShop we have a range of Biotene products including mouthwash, gum, spray, liquid, and gel to provide both in-home hygiene products and out-of-home relief products for the dry mouth patient.  All products benefit from Biotene’s unique LP3 salivary enzyme-protein system which is alcohol-free, sugar-free and sodium lauryl sulphate-free.   This, plus Biotene’s moisturizing polymers, offer oral comfort and help strengthen saliva’s natural properties. With Biotene, you’ll have the confidence to enjoy life, to talk and eat with ease throughout the day.

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Biotene Mouthwash 235mL
Biotene Mouthwash 470mL
Biotene Oral Balance Mouth Gel 
Biotene Moisturizing Mouth Spray 50mL

Biotene Mouthwash 235mL

NZ $13.75

Biotene Mouthwash 470mL

NZ $24.75

Biotene Oral Balance Mouth Gel 

NZ $23.50

Biotene Moisturizing Mouth Spray 50mL

NZ $20.50

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