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RecaldentTM technology

The first product for professional and home use that contains RecaldentTM technology is GC Tooth Mousse. GC Tooth Mousse incorporating RecaldentTM promises to make an important contribution to protecting the oral environment in a wide range of situations where a mineral imbalance may arise.

Advantages of GC Tooth Mousse

  • Delivers RecaldentTM (ACP-CPP) to restore mineral balance in the oral environment
  • Provides extra protection for teeth
  • Helps neutralize acid challenges from acidogenic bacteria in plaque and other internal and external acid sources
  • Tastes delicious and makes teeth feel smoother and cleaner
CPP-ACP was developed at The School of Dental Science, The University of Melbourne. Recaldent is milk casein derived lactose free and not recommended for anyone with casein intolerance.

Read more in depth information about Tooth Mousse and its applications in the Information Brochures




Pure water, Glycerol, CCP-ACP, D-sorbitil, CMC-Na, Propylene glycol, Silicon dixoide, Titanium dioxide, Xylitol, Phosphoric acid, Flavouring, Zinc Oxide, Sodium Saccharin, Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate, Magnesium oxide, Guar Gum, Prophyl p-hydroxybenzoate, Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate


GC Tooth Mousse - Additional Information
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